4 home remedies for dry and damaged hair

Is your hair dry and brittle? Restore vitality with our best home remedies!

damaged hair
By pemastockpic / shutterstock.com

A home remedy for dry and damaged hair: eggs

Prepare an egg shampoo with two egg yolks, 200 ml of rum, 1 tsp: olive oil, and � lemon juice. Apply to wet hair by massaging the scalp. Leave on for a few minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

A homemade solution for brittle hair: rosemary

For a regenerating shampoo, mix 25 g of iris root powder, 75 g of talc, ten drops of lemon essential oil and ten drops of rosemary essential oil. Store in a tightly-closed container.

Olive oil to the rescue of damaged hair

Treat your scalp before shampooing. Rub it with a little olive oil, which you will let penetrate for about 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water before washing your hair regularly – with an express shampoo consisting of 2 beaten eggs, and 2 tsp�avocado oil, for example. Apply the shampoo to wet hair, massage to distribute it well, and rinse thoroughly.

A homemade solution for your dry hair: milk

Make your hair supple and silky by rubbing it with a piece of terry cloth dipped in whole milk. Rinse thoroughly after 15 minutes.


