Damaged hair: 7 habits that destroy your hair


Avoid these 7 worst habits that “destroy” your hair! Instead, adopt these beauty habits to enhance and enhance your hair.

Damaged hair
By Roman Samborskyi / shutterstock.com

The worst habits to avoid and that damage your hair

Your sleep as a sleeping beauty could have disastrous consequences on the health and beauty of your hair. Here are 7 tips to prolong the shine and health of your hair.

You damage your hair if you sleep wet hair

Hair is more vulnerable when wet. Going to bed right after your shower could damage them and cause the ends to pitch in, says Ted Gibson, celebrity stylist. “Wet hair that rubs on the pillowcase overnight can scratch the cuticles and become dry and frizzy,” he said.

If you shower in the evening, make sure your hair is completely dry before you go to bed, he advises.

You tie your hair

Never use a tight elastic band. “The rubber bands, especially if your hair is wet, tend to form a fold that pulls the entire surrounding area,” warns Ted Gibson. He suggests using hairpins, while Kylee Heath opts for a darling whose flexible fabric tie is softer than an elastic.

You still have knotted hair

A bun keeps your hairstyle from the night before, says Ted Gibson. However, over-tightening your hair in a bun or ponytail can damage it. “If your hair stays tied day and night, your elastic or headband could cause friction breaks,” says Kylee Heath, celebrity hairstylist.

If it’s impossible for you to live without tying your hair, sleep with braids: they are softer for the hair and give them pretty waves, she suggests.

You skip the brushing step

Your mother was right: brushing your hair before going to bed is a great way to stimulate your mane. Your scalp gives off natural oils that brushing distributes to all strands. “The distribution of these natural oils on your hair before bed stimulates the scalp and hair follicles, which encourages growth,” says Ted Gibson. As a bonus, brushing is relaxing and could help you sleep better, not to mention that better sleep is synonymous with healthier hair, he adds.

Cotton bedding can be hard on your mane

Silk is softer than cotton and is not as rough for your hair when you lay your head on the pillow. “The contact of the silk with the hair creates no friction,” says Kylee Heath. “This material reduces frizz and hair loss when you move.” Treat yourself to a silk pillowcase for royal sleep and a superb hairstyle.

You don’t rehydrate your hair deeply

If you wash your hair in the morning, take advantage of the evening to revitalize it with products that you rinse off when you wake up.
Kylee Heath likes to soak her tips with a moisturizing conditioner, while Ted Gibson favors coconut oil. “… which restores cuticles and hydrates hair during your eight hours of sleep,” he says. In the morning, rinse off the conditioner or oil for silky hair.

You go to bed without removing your hairspray

“A fixative can really dry out the hair,” warns Kylee Heath. In the same vein, she advises against removing it by rinsing since it is not good to sleep with wet hair. Remove clips and pins and use a leave-in conditioner to dissolve the hairspray; then brush your hair to remove it.
